News You Can Use: 07/13/16

National Security

U.S. intel warns: ISIS not desperate, just ‘adapting’, CNN

Halfway To Transparency On Drone Strikes, Breaking Defense

Standoff Brews Over the Future of US Security Assistance, Defense News

Some National Security Lessons from the Past, The Cipher Brief

Treasury Says It Needs Some New Security Features for Next-Gen Money, Nextgov

Inaction on Zika Funding Likely to Delay Vaccine Testing, ABC News

Encouraging Public-Private Partnerships To Combat Zika, State Department

Statement by Secretary Jeh C. Johnson on Southwest Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Priorities, Department of Homeland Security

Inside look at U.S.-led coalition’s deadliest single attack on ISIL, USA Today


NATO members ink pledge on cyber defense, C4ISRNet

White House releases plan to boost cyber workforce, Federal Times

New HHS CIO to Focus on Cyber, Nextgov

Cybersecurity Found Lacking in US Air Force’s Troubled OCX Program, Defense News

Federal Government Expects to Bring on 3,500 More Cyber Pros by 2017, Nextgov

How ‘Cyber Guards’ Patrol Networks Looking For Hackers, MotherBoard

White House releases federal cybersecurity workforce strategy, Fed Scoop

Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts

Congress finds bipartisan support for foreign aid and aid reform, Brookings

Washington’s Closest Ally on the Horn of Africa Has a Terrible Human Rights Record, Foreign Policy

U.S. must lead on refugee crisis, Miami Herald

Syrian Crisis Response Underfunded, Straining Host Countries, Philanthropy News Digest

Government and Military Personnel

Striving for Excellence in Federal Management, Government Executive

When America denies citizenship to servicemembers, The Hill

Why Millennials Spurn Government Jobs, Government Executive

Hopeful sign for combat veterans with nightmares, insomnia, Military Times

Government’s Impending Technology Crisis, Government Executive

DARPA needs vendors cleared for classified research, C4ISRNet

House, Senate Disagree Over Veterans’ Preference, Government Executive

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