News You Can Use: 04/07/17

National Security

U.S. Hits Syrian Airbase With Scores of Cruise Missiles, Defense One

Trump Removes Stephen Bannon From National Security Council Post, The New York Times

Bannon’s Out. But Did H.R. McMaster Win?, The New York Times

Lawmakers introduce bill to end warrantless phone searches at border, The Hill

9 questions to ask after a terrorist attack, Brookings

Improving Border Security and Public Safety, Department of Homeland Security

Post-9/11 Intel Sharing Needs Fine-Tuning, IGs Say, Defense One

Schiff: White House documents will be shown to intelligence panels, Politico

US nuclear commander says Washington must respond to Russia’s treaty violation, Washington Examiner

We Want It, What Is It? Unpacking Civilian Control of the Military, The Strategy Bridge

National Security Council No. 2 offered post in Singapore, CNN

Is Trump Russia’s Useful Idiot, or Has He Been Irreparably Compromised?, Foreign Policy

Chinese grab for U.S. money transfer giant sets off alarms, Politico


Health Industry Needs Government Go-To For Cyber Threats, Expert Says, Nextgov

China’s Information Warriors Are Growing More Disciplined, Say US Cyber Leaders, Defense One

Oversight Committee Mulls A Cyber-Only Digital Service, Nextgov

North Korea-linked hackers are attacking banks worldwide, CNN

Coming soon: Sweeping personnel changes for Marine cyber operators, Marine Corps Times

Report: China-based cyber campaign targeting managed IT, cloud services, The Hill

Public Health

CDC: 51 US Pregnancies Had Zika-Related Defects in 2016, Medscape

Cancer researchers worry immunotherapy may hasten growth of tumors in some patients, Stat

Scientists Finally Understand Why Deep Breathing Physically Reduces Stress, Government Executive

Homeopathic remedies harmed hundreds of babies, families say, as FDA investigated for years, Stat

Education At Home & Abroad

2 Education Dept. Picks Raise Fears on Civil Rights Enforcement, The New York Times

Remove Barriers to Syrian Refugee Education, Human Rights Watch

Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts

Syria Chemical Attack Exposes Western Differences on Trump Stance, The Wall Street Journal

Worst Chemical Attack in Years in Syria; U.S. Blames Assad, The New York Times

U.N. expands civilian camps as air strikes resume on Mosul, Reuters

Refugees recount South Sudan attack: ‘If you ran, you got shot’, Reuters

Israel/Palestine: Rights Workers Denied Gaza Access, Human Rights Watch

Government & Military Personnel

Shutdown Crisis Looms for GOP, Government Executive

Rebooting Workplace Harassment Prevention Efforts, Government Executive

Contractors Resist Push to Post Contracts Online, Government Executive

The Un-Perk: Some Federal Executives Have to Buy Their Own Business Cards, Government Executive

Victim Advocates: Critical Members of Sexual Assault, Prevention Response, DoD News

Where to Read the Nitty-gritty Details of White House Employees’ Personal Finances, Government Executive

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