News You Can Use: 05/22/18

National Security

American security assistance needs to fit with larger foreign policy goals, The Hill

New clues bolster belief that ISIS leader is still alive — and busy with a chilling new mission, The Washington Post

United States: Inter-Agency Cooperation Not So Compelling? The Implications Of US V Allen, Mondaq

2018 has been deadlier for schoolchildren than service members, The Washington Post

How to Boost Border Security While Protecting Privacy, Nextgov

Can the U.S.-Europe Alliance Survive Trump?, Foreign Policy

If the Transatlantic Relationship Sneezes, Will NATO Catch a Cold?, War on the Rocks

Pompeo set to unveil US “Plan B” to confront Iran, CNN

How the US Can Keep Venezuela from Becoming a Failed State, The Weekly Standard

As AI Begins to Reshape Defense, Here’s How Europe Can Keep Up, Defense One

Trump Grappling With Risks of Proceeding With North Korea Meeting, The Washington Post

What the North Koreans Told Me About Their Plans, The Atlantic

Donald Trump ‘offered to ease ZTE sanctions to persuade China to help with North Korea summit’, South China Morning Post

Justice Department calls for inquiry after Trump demands probe into whether FBI ‘infiltrated or surveilled’ his campaign, The Washington Post


How a new cyber cell is protecting DoD networks, Fifth Domain

Congress must act to restore the integrity of American elections, The Hill

Homeland Security Unveils New Cyber Strategy, Defense One

Hacker Breaches Securus, the Company That Helps Cops Track Phones Across the US, Motherboard

ZTE Kerfuffle Shows Cybersecurity Doesn’t Operate in a Vacuum, Nextgov

Dems urge Trump to reinstate top cyber post, The Hill

Public Health

Proposed Abortion Restrictions Would Hit Young Patients Hardest, NPR

Why is the Ebola outbreak in Congo so frightening?, Brookings

Ebola Outbreak: DRC To Start Vaccination Campaign, NPR

More reasons to be worried about cancer-causing chemicals on military bases, Military Times

Soldiers may soon have implantable health monitors and robotic surgeries done remotely, Army Times

VA Says It’s Trying To Improve Caregiver Program’s Appeals Process, NPR

Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts

North Korea: Meeting Should Take Up Abysmal Rights Climate, Human Rights Watch

Hostages of Hunger in Venezuela, The New York Times

Oklahoma and Kansas Enact Anti-LGBT Laws, Human Rights Watch

Pakistan: Campaign of hacking, spyware and surveillance targets human rights defenders, Amnesty International

House panel approves bills on anti-Semitism envoy, combating genocide, The Times of Israel

FEMA Denies Contract Extension In Puerto Rico, Power Crews Head Home, NPR

Saudi Arabia: Women’s Rights Advocates Arrested, Human Rights Watch

Government & Military Personnel

GSA Announces $2.5 Billion Modernization of Federal Payroll and Leave Systems, Government Executive

Contractors Oppose Proposed Limit on Federal Bid Protests, Government Executive

These Agencies Saw the Biggest Changes in Use of ‘Official Time’ Over Two Years, Government Executive

OMB Wants to Strengthen a Learning Culture in Government, Government Executive

White House Issues Its Vision for Greener Federal Operations, Government Executive

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