Elstad, Peter L.
Elstad, Peter L. “Overcoming Information Operations Legal Limitations in Support Of Domestic Operations.” Master’s Thesis, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2008. http://cdm16040.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/singleitem/collection/p4013coll2/id/2573/rec/13 (accessed 16 June 2011).
This thesis attempts to answer the question ― can Army information tasks be legally and doctrinally applied in domestic operations? By using content analysis, this thesis attempted to examine a broad spectrum of written opinion from various perspectives (legislative, executive branch, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, and academic/civilian). This was an attempt to get an understanding of what the overall collective opinions were regarding IO support in domestic operations. The findings indicate the collective thought (or opinion) of the ― Information Community that it may be possible to apply Army information tasks legally in domestic operations.
Posted: May 17, 2012 by the Simons Center
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