Executive Order

Executive Order 13584: Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications Initiative. Federal Register Vol. 76, no. 179 (15 September 2011): 56945-56947. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-09-15/pdf/2011-23891.pdf (accessed 29 May 2012).

The purpose of this Executive Order is to reinforce, integrate, and complement public communications efforts across the executive branch that are (1) focused on countering the actions and ideology of al-Qa’ida, its affiliates and adherents, and other international terrorist organizations and violent extremists overseas, and (2) directed to audiences outside the United States. This collaborative work among executive departments and agencies (agencies) brings together expertise, capabilities, and resources to realize efficiencies and better coordination of U.S. Government communications investments to combat terrorism and extremism.

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