Gross, Gregg E.

Gross, Gregg E. “Interagency Reform for the 21st Century.” Strategy Research Project, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 2006. (accessed 27 September 2011).

This paper assesses the need for reform of the interagency organization and processes. Like Joint Task Forces, interagency organizations are often assembled ad hoc after a crisis has occurred and are initially ineffective in their forming and storming stages. For example, conflicting cultures and interests of interagency members inhibit effectiveness. Current postconflict nation building and reconstruction efforts under Defense Department lead have suffered due to lack of planning and expertise, with non-DoD entities with specific expertise sometimes excluded from the process. Following the military mantra of “train as you fight,” full-time interagency bodies should be formed and regionally focused. The benefits of such a structure would include unity of effort, unity of command, and the ability to more effectively prioritize and allocate regional resources in support of national interests.

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