Bibliography Category: Interagency History, Structures, and Authorities

Posted: May 23, 2012 by

McGuire, Michael. 2006. Intergovernmental Management: A View from the Bottom. Public Administration Review Vol. 66, no. 5: 677-679. (accessed 27 October 2011). This article argues that collaborative management is much more prevalent than depicted in other analysis. The author’s bottom-up view suggests that local and regional activity can be both opportunistic and collaborative, and […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by

McGuire, Michael. 2002. Managing Networks: Propositions on What Managers Do and Why They Do It. Public Administration Review Vol. 62, no. 5: 599-609. (accessed 27 October 2011). This article explores network management behaviors and determines how managers strategically match behaviors with the governing context. The proposed research agenda is offered as a guide to […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by

Matei, Florina Cristiana. 2011. Developing Effective Armed Forces in the Twenty First Century: Case Studies of New Democracies. Journal of Defense Resource Management Vol. 2, no. 1 (April): 21-38. (accessed 19 January 2012). The purpose of this article is to contribute to a better understanding of the contemporary value for democracy of the relationship […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by

Marks, Gary and Liesbet Hooghe. Contrasting Visions of Multi-Level Governance. in Ian Bache and Matthew Flinders’ Multi-Level Governance. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2005. (accessed 18 September 2012). This chapter discusses options available for distributing authorities and jurisdictions in multi-level governance.

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by

Marks, Edward and Christopher Lamb. 2012. Implementing the QDDR. InterAgency Journal Vol. 3, no. 1 (February): 8-14. (accessed 22 February 2012). This article examines the State Department’s 2010 Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR), which was meant to provide a comprehensive plan to “improve the efficiency and effectiveness of State and USAID in delivering results for […]

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Posted: May 23, 2012 by

Mankin, D., S. Cohen, and S. P. Fitzgerald. 2004. Developing Complex Collaborative: Basic Principles to Guide, Design, and Implementation. Complex Collaboration: Builiding the Capabilities for Working Across Boundaries Volume 10: 1-26. Additional information is not available.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Lucynski, John A., III. An Interagency Reform Act: Preparing for Post-Conflict Operations in the 21st Century. Strategy Research Project, United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA, 2005. (accessed 6 October 2011). This paper asserts that current national security structure and interagency processes are not able to meet the challenges faced in today’s security […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Longacre, Michael. Towards Unified Conventions. Master’s Thesis, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2009. (accesses 15 June 2011). This study explores options such as expanding the Executive Office of the President, expanding the role of the National Security Council, and creating an Office of National Strategy as part of interagency transformation. This […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Locher, James R., III. Victory of the Potomac: The Goldwater-Nichols Act Unifies the Pentagon. College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 2002. This book recounts the events and struggles that lead to the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 and provides a detailed history of how Congress unified the Pentagon.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Lira, Leonard. 2010. An Integrative Approach to the Interagency Process. InterAgency Journal Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall): 45-55. (accessed 21 July 2011). In this article, the author asserts that problems inherent in the interagency process are not confined to policy coordination, but also occur in the implementation of policy.

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