Bibliography Category: Interagency History, Structures, and Authorities

Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Jablonsky, David. War by Land, Sea, and Air: Dwight Eisenhower and the Concept of Unified Command. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010. This book examines Dwight D. Eisenhower’s lasting military legacy, in light of his evolving approach to the concept of unified command. The author explores Eisenhower’s efforts to implement a unified command in […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Irwin, Lew. 2011. “Filling Irregular Warfare’s Interagency Gaps.” The Army in Interagency Operations Newsletter no. 11-22 (March): 25-36. (accessed 5 October 2011). This article examines the interagency process in regard to irregular warfare.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Interagency Panel Discussion. Guest Speaker Tape, Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2009. Additional information is not available.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Ingraham, Patricia W. and Heather Getha-Taylor. Incentivizing Collaboration Performance: Aligning Policy Intent, Design, and Impact. in Lisa Blomgren Bingham and Rosemary O’Leary’s Big Ideas in Collaborative Public Management. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2008. This chapter is part of a book that examines perspectives on collaborative public management. Chapters cover a wide variety of topics, including […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Ingraham, Patricia, Philip Joyce, and Amy Donahue. Government Performance: Why Management Matters. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. The authors examine government performance at the federal, state, and local levels.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Honn, Mandy, Farrah Meisel, Jacleen Mowery, and Jennifer Smolin with Minhye Ha. 2011. A Legacy of Vietnam: Lessons from CORDS. InterAgency Journal Vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer): 41-50. (accessed 25 August 2011). This article examines the Civil Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS) program, an interagency, civil-military program that focused on development and “winning hearts […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Hogue, Henry B., and Keith Bea. Federal Emergency Management and Homeland Security Organization: Historical Developments and Legislative Options. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2006. (accessed 20 July 2011). This document examines the administrative structure of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, focusing on changes made after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf coast of Louisiana in […]

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Highfill, John D. Sine Qua Non: Form to Incorporate Interagency Function. Monograph, School of Advanced Military Studies, Fort Leavenworth, KS, 2010. (accessed 12 August 2011). This paper provides critical analysis and assessment of interagency-DoD support during combat operations, specifically stability operations during or post-conflict.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Herbert, F. Ted, Jeffrey L. Brudney, and Deil S. Wright. 1999. Reinventing Government in the American States: Measuring and Explaining Administration Reform. Public Administration Review Vol. 59, no. 1: 19-30. Additional information is not available.

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Posted: May 22, 2012 by

Hansen, Morten T. and Nitin Nohria. 2004. How to Build Collaborative Advantage. MIT Sloan Management Review Vol. 46, no. 1 (October): 22-30. (accessed 9 September 2011). This article discusses the transition from a comparative advantage-focused international economy to a collaborative advantage-focused one. It describes the problems and difficulties inherent in this model, but argues […]

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