Call for Papers – InterAgency Journal (Deadline Extended to Apr. 12, 2024)
UPDATE: As of March 20, 2024, the deadline to submit papers for the Spring InterAgency Journal has been extended to April 12, 2024.
The Simons Center for Ethical Leadership and Interagency Cooperation announces a call for papers for the InterAgency Journal, to be published in Spring of 2024. The InterAgency Journal seeks thoughtful articles that provide insight and fresh thinking in advancing the knowledge, understanding, and practice of ethical leadership, interagency coordination, cooperation, and collaboration. The general focus of all submissions should be to stimulate professional discussion and further public understanding. The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 12, 2024.
– Submit an unclassified, original paper examining any aspect—broad or specific—applicable to ethical leadership or interagency cooperation. Papers should be between 3,500 and 5,000 words in length.
– Previously published papers, papers being consideration elsewhere for publication, or papers submitted to other competitions still pending announced decisions are ineligible.
– Manuscripts should be single spaced in Microsoft Word format using Times New Roman, 12-point font. All graphs, charts, and tables should be submitted as separate files in the format they were created.
– Submissions will receive blind peer review in accordance with standard professional academic journal practice. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, substance of argument, style, and contribution to advancing the understanding and practice of ethical leadership or interagency cooperation.
– To facilitate review, include a cover sheet with full name, institutional affiliation, email, telephone, mailing address and an author biography not to exceed 100 words. Do not, however, include identifying information on any other page of the manuscript.
– For more complete information on formatting and style, see the Simons Center Writer’s Submission Guidelines is available online at
– Along with their manuscript, writers must agree to the Simons Center copyright transfer agreement, which is detailed online at
– Manuscripts can be submitted on the Simons Center website at or emailed to
Download the Call for Papers here.
The Simons Center is a major program of the CGSC Foundation, Inc. For more information contact the Simons Center at or by calling 913-651-0624. Information about the Simons Center’s mission, organization, and publications is available at

Posted: March 20, 2024 by Simons Center
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