Foundation News – No. 26/Spring 2020
In this edition we bring you an interview with the new CGSC Commandant, Lt. Gen. James E. Rainey which was conducted prior to the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. Since our last edition and before the shelter-in-place mandates, we’ve had the opportunity to conduct several events and activities which are highlighted in this edition. We are especially proud to honor the inaugural recipients of our annual competitive scholarship program which we announced online on April 15. We’re also saddened by the passing of our great former board president, Hyrum Smith, in November 2019. We honor him in these pages along with our local Medal of Honor recipients who grace the cover of this edition. Please enjoy this 26th edition of the Foundation News.
Click the cover to read this edition on the CGSC Foundation website.
Posted: May 18, 2020 by the Simons Center
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