Foundation News – No. 31/Fall 2022
In this edition of the Foundation News magazine we feature the annual Colin L. Powell Lecture delivered by Sen. Pat Roberts and the recent change of command farewelling Lt. Gen. Martin and welcoming Lt. Gen. Beagle. We’re also proud of the inaugural Frontier Freedom 5K Run/Walk that received great praise from organizers and participants alike. And as usual, we showcase other programs such as the Simons Center and the Arter-Rowland National Security Forum. This edition also boasts a complete compliment of updates from the various CGSC schools and departments, including the Sergeants Major Academy. Last, we announce a new component of our scholarship program honoring former instructor and retired Marine Col. Stephen E. “Brownie” Brown. – Please enjoy this 31st edition of the Foundation News.
Click the cover at right to read this edition on the CGSC Foundation website.
Posted: November 16, 2022 by Simons Center
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