Conference focuses on cyber defense
U.S. Cyber Command recently hosted a two-day Interagency Legal Conference involving discussions on national defense, cybersecurity, and the role of international law. The goal of the conference was to enhance interagency collaboration and help participants gain a better understanding of cyber’s role in national defense.
Navy Rear Adm. Margaret Klein spoke about the need to develop doctrine and tactics specifically for the cyber domain, siting that doctrine and tactics for land, maritime, and aviation domains have already been established. According to Klein, the establishment of cyber doctrine and tactics would enable the U.S. to “be as proactive as possible,” and that DoD should be vigilant in looking for possible threats to U.S. networks.
U.S. State Department Legal Advisor Harold Koh spoke about international law as it relates to the cyber environment. Koh stated that cyberspace “is not a ‘law-free’ zone,” and that any illegal use of force, including cyberattacks, potentially triggers the right of national self-defense. In his presentation, Koh laid out ten principles that guide the U.S. efforts in the cyber realm.
For more information about the U.S. Cybercom Interagency Legal Conference, please follow the links below.
Conference Highlights Cyber’s Role in National Defense, American Forces Press Service
U.S. Official Says Cyberattacks Can Trigger Self-Defense Rule, The Washington Post
International Law Takes on Cyber: Significant Challenges Ahead, The Hill
Posted: September 25, 2012 by Simons Center
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