Cyber exercise tests whole-of-nation response
In June, U.S. Cyber Command, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) hosted a multi-agency exercise designed to simulate a whole-of-nation response to attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure. Cyber Guard brought together cyberspace and critical infrastructure operators and experts from more than 100 organizations spanning government, academia, and industry, and also included international participants.
The exercise took place from June 8-26, with over 1,000 participants rehearsing a response to a cyberattack on U.S. critical infrastructure. While touring exercise areas, U.S. Cyber Command Commander Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers described the purpose of Cyber Guard, saying it is “designed to exercise the interface between the Department of Defense — the active and Reserve and Guard components — that are focused on the cyber mission, and to partner with other elements of the U.S. government as well as state and local authorities.” Rogers also said Cyber Guard leveraged and used the capabilities from the private sector with capabilities of the federal government within DoD, FBI, and DHS.
The Cyber Guard exercise scenario involved a major earthquake in Southern California, followed by a series of cyberattacks that disrupt electrical power aong the West and East Coasts. The exercise also incorporated the intense media interest that would result from such events, and included oil and gas pipeline disruptions, power outages, ATM failures, food shortages, and other problems that would arise after a cyberattack.
For more information about the Cyber Guard exercise, please follow the links below.
Cyber Guard Exercise Points to Need for Persistent Training, DoD News
Military, Federal, Private-Sector Partners Key to Cyber Guard 15, DoD News
The Private-Sector Focus of the Pentagon’s Annual Cyber Exercise, FCW

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