Administration releases cybersecurity workforce strategy
Today the Obama Administration announced a new strategy to help agencies build the cybersecurity workforce. The Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy is designed to “grow the pipeline of highly skilled cybersecurity talent entering federal service” and to retain and invest in that talent.
In a blog post announcing the Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy, the authors discuss the persistence of cyber threats, saying that “Addressing these cyber threats has required a bold reassessment of the way we approach security in the digital age and a significant investment in critical security tools and our cybersecurity workforce.”
The new strategy establishes four key initiatives: expanding the cybersecurity workforce through education and training, recruitment of the nation’s best cyber talent for federal service, retain and develop highly skilled talent, and identifying cybersecurity workforce needs. The strategy also encourages private sector companies and the federal government work together to expand the cyber workforce.
For more information about the strategy, please follow the links below.
Strengthening the Federal Cybersecurity Workforce, White House
White House releases plan to boost cyber workforce, Federal Times

Posted: July 12, 2016 by Simons Center
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