DHS releases new cyber strategy
Earlier this month the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released their new cybersecurity strategy. The new cyber addresses the growing number of cyber threats and security risks, and provides DHS with a framework to execute their cybersecurity responsibilities during the next five years.
The new cyber strategy will focus on coordinating departmental cybersecurity activities to ensure a unity of effort, and outlines how DHS will leverage its unique capabilities to defend American networks and get ahead of emerging cyber threats. “The cyber threat landscape is shifting in real-time, and we have reached a historic turning point,” said DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
DHS’s cyber strategy lays out a five-part approach to manage national cyber risk that fosters innovation, efficiency, communication, and economic prosperity.
- Risk Identification: Assess the evolving national cybersecurity risk posture to inform and prioritize risk management activities.
- Vulnerability Reduction: Protect federal government information systems by reducing the vulnerabilities of federal agencies to ensure they achieve an adequate level of cybersecurity.
- Threat Reduction: Reduce national cyber threats by countering transnational criminal organizations and sophisticated cyber criminals.
- Consequence Mitigation: Respond effectively to cyber incidents to thereby minimize consequences from potentially significant cyber incidents through coordinated community-wide response efforts.
- Enable Cybersecurity Outcomes: Strengthen the security and reliability of the cyber ecosystem by supporting policies and activities that enable improved global cybersecurity risk management and execute departmental cybersecurity efforts in an integrated and prioritized way.
For more information about the new strategy, please follow the links below.
DHS Cybersecurity Strategy, Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security Unveils Strategy to Guide Cybersecurity Efforts, Department of Homeland Security
Homeland Security unveils new cyber security strategy amid threats, Reuters

Posted: May 29, 2018 by Simons Center
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