DoD, agencies collaborate on space technology
The Pentagon, NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the National Reconnaissance Office have come together to contribute to a review of the defense industrial base.
The four agencies make up a “space industrial base working group” that is examining how agencies could share space technology, collaborate on space-related acquisitions, and how the government purchases technology from the private sector. “With the innovation in space technology that is happening, there is growing interest in coordinating programs and requirements across the agencies,” said Brennan Hogan Grignon, director of industry outreach for the secretary of defense.
The “state of the defense industrial base” report is due to be completed later this month, and was requested by President Trump in an Executive Order calling for an assessment of the defense industrial base and supply chain.
For more information about this topic, please follow the links below.
DoD and interagency group looking to step up collaboration on space technology, Space News
Presidential Executive Order on Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States, The White House

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