DoD, partners part of U.S. strategy to combat ISIL
Navy Rear Admiral John Kirby, Department of Defense (DoD) Press Secretary, briefed the press Friday, August 22, on the U.S. strategy to confront the threat of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorists.
Kirby assured the press that “You’re not going to see the answer to all ISIL problems through a military lens,” saying that DoD will be working with partners in support of Iraqi and Kurdish forces, and that DoD will wouldn’t be the “only tool in the toolbox.”
According to Kirby, DoD will play a part in an interagency and international approach that involves “supporting, advising, assisting, helping Iraqi security forces and Kurdish forces blunt the momentum” of ISIL. DoD will also have a role in protecting U.S. personnel and facilities.
Kirby also touched on the situation in Ukraine during his briefing.
For more information on Kirby’s remarks, please follow the links below.
DoD: Employ Multi-prong Strategy to Confront ISIL, DoD News
Department of Defense Press Briefing by Admiral Kirby in the Pentagon Briefing Room, Department of Defense

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