Executive Order calls for better coordination on travel ban
Today, President Trump signed an Executive Order revising a ban on individuals traveling from six majority Muslim countries. The original order signed in January was heavily criticized for causing confusion and uncertainty among federal personnel as to which travelers were subject to the ban.
The new order aims to prevent foreign terrorist entry and promises better interagency collaboration in enforcing the ban, with the Departments of State, Homeland Security (DHS), and Justice now working “in sync.” According to a senior Homeland Security official, the revised ban will be “orderly” and without “any chaos or alleged chaos.”
At a joint press conference held this morning, State, DHS, and Justice leaders affirmed their commitment to carrying out the executive order. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that the State Department would coordinate with other federal agencies to fulfill their roll, while DHS Secretary John Kelly said his employees would carry out the laws passed by Congress and President Trump.
The Trump administration also released a memorandum instructing State, DHS, and Justice to implement new procedures for vetting of visas and other immigration benefits.
For more information on the Executive Order, please follow the links below.
Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States, White House
Trump Administration Pledges Better Interagency Collaboration on Revised Travel Ban, Government Executive
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, White House
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