FEMA collaboration reviewed by GAO
Earlier this month the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report assessing the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) disaster logistics efforts with interagency partners. GAO examined FEMA’s ability to deliver goods to disaster survivors, focusing on how well FEMA collaborated with federal partners and with state and local stakeholders.
GAO found that FEMA has taken actions described in the National Response Framework, Emergency Support Function #7 Logistics Annex, to work with its federal partners in a manner that reflects leading practices for interagency collaboration. GAO also found that FEMA has taken similar steps to collaborate with state and local stakeholders.
However, GAO noted that FEMA “could employ effective program management practices to strengthen the implementation of its Logistics Capability Assessment Tool (LCAT),” which is designed to help state, local, and tribal officials identify strengths and weaknesses and improve logistics processes and procedures using a standardized approach and measurement criteria.
GAO recommends that FEMA identify the resources needed to implement the LCAT, and establish and use goals, milestones and performance measures to report on the LCAT program implementation. The Department of Homeland Security concurred with the recommendations.
For more information about the GAO report, please follow the link below.
GAO-15-781, Emergency Management: FEMA Collaborates Effectively with Logistics Partners but Could Strengthen Implementation of Its Capabilities Assessment Tool

Posted: September 17, 2015 by Simons Center
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