GAO reports on progress in CBRN response
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report assessing the Department of Defense’s (DoD) progress incorporating the Homeland Response Force into the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) response enterprise.
DoD is expected to play a prominent role in supporting civil authorities in a CBRN incident, and the Homeland Response Force is intended to bridge the gap between the National Guard’s initial response to a CBRN incident and any need for additional capabilities that the DoD military services’ active-duty personnel can provide, if requested.
GAO’s report describes the current status of Homeland Response Force capabilities and readiness, and assesses DoD’s progress incorporating the Homeland Response Force into the CBRN response enterprise. During their investigation, GAO examined National Guard fiscal year 2013-15 evaluation reports and fiscal year 2012 through March 2016 readiness information, as well as other plans and guidance, and surveyed Homeland Response Force commanders.
GAO found that DoD has made progress in incorporating the Homeland Response Force into the CBRN response enterprise by updating plans, guidance, and exercises, and GAO did not make any suggestions for change.
For more information on GAO-16-599, please follow the link below.
GAO-16-599, Defense Civil Support: DOD Has Made Progress Incorporating the Homeland Response Force into the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response Enterprise
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