GSA asks for comment on cybersecurity
Earlier in May, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) issued a request for information (RFI) asking for public comment on improving federal government resiliency in the area of cybersecurity.
GSA’s RFI asks for recommendations that could help implement Executive Order 13636 on Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity and Presidential Policy Directive-21 on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Both the Executive Order and the Directive call for the standardization of cybersecurity contract elements and procurement requirements.
GSA Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini stressed the importance of interagency cooperation and public-private partnerships, saying that “Collaboration and cooperation allows the government to deliver critical services to our federal partners and most importantly, the American people.”
GSA is currently working with a federal cybersecurity interagency working group to collect feedback on the RFI. Feedback is expected from stakeholders from all branches of government and private industry, as well as academia. The collected recommendations will be included in a report in early summer.
For more information about GSA’s request for information, please follow the links below.
GSA Asks for Public Comment on Federal Cybersecurity Measures; Dan Tangherlini Comments, ExecutiveGov
GSA Issues RFI for Public Comment on Cybersecurity, The Sacramento Bee
Executive Order 13636–Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Government Printing Office
Posted: May 30, 2013 by Simons Center
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