Interagency collaboration encouraged during transition
A report published this month by MITRE suggests the Trump administration can successfully meet its technological innovation goals through better information sharing and interagency cooperation. The paper is part of a collection aimed at helping Presidential candidates and their transition teams during the Transition.
The new report reviews how important developments in science and technology (S&T), including today’s “ubiquitous” GPS, have come to be through the collaboration of multiple government entities, while also recognizing that such efforts are often difficult due to stovepiping.
“The most impactful interagency S&T groups are those where its individual members view the success of the group as a critical step for their own agency’s success. That level of buy-in creates significant opportunities, and should be a fundamental goal for anyone leading interagency initiatives,” said Duane Blackburn, former Assistant Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.
According to the report, “The majority of the S&T spectrum… would benefit from crossdomain (i.e., cross-agency) collaboration.” The report goes on to list areas of opportunity for the new administration, including: 1) strategically prioritizing interagency leadership; 2) encouraging interagency collaboration at all levels within the Executive Branch; and 3) celebrating interagency advancements.
MITRE is a not-for-profit organization that operates research and development centers sponsored by the federal government. MITRE also has an independent research program that explores new and expanded uses of technologies.
For more information about MITRE’s paper, please follow the link below.
Interagency S&T Collaboration: A Must to Meet Priority Goals, MITRE
Posted: December 14, 2016 by the Simons Center
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