Interagency task force reports on human trafficking
On April 8, Secretary of State John Kerry chaired the annual meeting of the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF). During the meeting, PITF discussed progress made by the task force, including the implemention of a whole-of-government approach and incorporating survivors’ input and expertise in combating human trafficking. The annual cabinet-level meeting also provided an opportunity to coordinate government-wide efforts and discuss new initiatives in the struggle to end modern slavery. PITF member agencies were also encouraged to pursue innovation in their response to modern slavery.
PITF also released their progress report on combating trafficking in persons earlier this month. The report reviews PITF’s ten strategic objectives and addresses efforts made to combat modern slavery and the trafficking of persons – including sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and the unlawful recruitment or use of child soldiers – by PITF and its operational arm, the Senior Policy Operating Group (SPOG).
The report also highlights PITF strengthening the SPOG as well as accomplishments of the individual agencies in combating human trafficking. Among these accomplishments is the Departments of Justice, Labor, and Homeland Security’s collaboration in developing high-impact human trafficking investigations through six pilot Anti-Trafficking Coordination Teams (ACTeams). These departments also developed regional strategic plans, implemented coordinated strategies, and disseminated ACTeams Operations Guides.
The PITF report also praises the departments of State, Defense, Justice, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Transportation, as well as the U.S. Agency for International Development and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for their continued efforts to meet with federal partners, as well as private sector, nongovernmental, community, and faith-based stakeholders, to receive feedback on programs, help shape future initiatives, and collaborate on anti-trafficking prevention, protection, and prosecution.
For more information about progress made by the Task Force, please follow the links below.
Secretary Kerry to Chair Human Trafficking Task Force Meeting, U.S. Department of State
Progress in Combating Trafficking in Persons: The U.S. Government Response to Modern Slavery, President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

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