Interim National Security Strategic Guidance published
On March 3, the Biden Administration released the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance. The document conveys the President’s vision for how America will engage with the world, and provides guidance for departments and agencies to align their actions as the Administration begins work on a National Security Strategy.
The Interim National Security Strategic Guidance lays out the Administration’s national security priorities. These priorities include:
- reinvigorating and modernizing U.S. alliances and partnerships around the world;
- joining with the international community to tackle the climate crisis and other shared challenges;
- making “smart and disciplined” choices regarding national defense, while elevating diplomacy as the tool of first resort;
- focusing trade and international economic policies to serve all Americans; and
- revitalizing U.S. democracy.
The Interim National Security Strategic Guidance cautions against over reliance on the military, instead emphasizing a whole-of-government approach.
“America accomplishes more when we lead with our full diplomatic, economic, health, and developmental toolkit…. Because traditional distinctions between foreign and domestic policy – and among national security, economic security, health security, and environmental security – are less meaningful than ever before, we will reform and rethink our agencies, departments, interagency processes, and White House organization to reflect this new reality.”
The Interim National Security Strategic Guidance closes with optimism – “No nation is better positioned to navigate this future than America…. Together, we can and will build back better.”
To learn more about the Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, please follow the links below.
Interim National Security Strategic Guidance (statement), The White House
Interim National Security Strategic Guidance (document), The White House
Posted: March 12, 2021 by Simons Center
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