Joint Publication 3-07 sets doctrine for interorganizational coordination during stability operations
Joint Publication 3-07 provides doctrine for the conduct of stability operations during joint operations within the broader context of US Government efforts. It provides guidance for operating across the range of military operations to support US Government agencies, foreign governments, and intergovernmental organizations, or to lead such missions, tasks, and activities until it is feasible to transfer lead responsibility.
Joint Publication 3-07 describes the nature of stability operations, presents the principles of stability operations, stresses the need for unified action and interagency cooperation in stability operations, discusses stability operations design and planning, and explains the stability operations functions of security, humanitarian assistance, economic stabilization and infrastructure, rule of law, and governance and participation.
Click to open/download Joint Publication 3-07 (right click to save).
This document is permanently posted in the Resources section of the Simons Center website under “Special Reports/Publications.”

Posted: October 21, 2011 by Simons Center
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