Kelly calls for more cooperation, ‘heavy artillery’ in cyber

On April 18, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly spoke at George Washington University Center for Cyber and Homeland Security. In his speech, titled “Home and Away: DHS and the Threats to America,” Kelly discusses the importance of collaboration between DHS and other government agencies and warned against the “plodding pace of bureaucracy.”

Kelly’s remarks centered around threats facing the United States, including cybersecurity, terrorism, and criminal drug gangs. According to Kelly, U.S. cybersecurity needs “heavy artillery.” Failing to develop cyber capabilities and defenses would be like “sending troops to take Fallujah armed with muskets and powdered wigs,” said Kelly.

Kelly did not have an update on the long-delayed executive order on cybersecurity.

Kelly - April 2017DHS Secretary John Kelly spoke at George Washington University Center for Cyber and Homeland Security
on April 18, stressing the importance of cooperation and called for “heavy artillery” in cybersecurity.

For more on Secretary Kelly’s remarks, please follow the links below.
DHS Secretary Kelly: ‘No more muskets … federal cybersecurity needs heavy artillery’, Fifth Domain Cyber
Government Needs ‘Heavy Artillery’ For Cyberspace, DHS Chief Says, Nextgov

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