Military leaders speak on cyber issues
Last month, leaders from U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom) and the Army Cyber Command spoke at a cybersecurity conference hosted by the New America Foundation. Navy Adm. Michael S. Rogers, Commander of Cybercom and Director of the National Security Agency, and Lt. Gen. Edward Cardon, Commanding General of the Army Cyber Command, focused their remarks on preventing and responding to cyberattacks and the future of cyber defense.
During the conference, Adm. Rogers discussed various cyber issues with CNN national security correspondent Jim Sciutto and answered questions from the audience and those submitted via social media. In his remarks, Rogers said the U.S. is in a better position than many of its counterparts, but also admitted that Cybercom is not as prepared as he would like it to be. Rogers also commented on the legal framework for cyberspace and ISIL’s use of the dark web to raise money to support their activities.
Later in the conference, Lt. Gen. Cardon participated in a panel on next generation cyber warriors. During the panel, Cardon stated that the potential for a massive cyberattack was “not solely going to be a DoD problem,” and that addressing such an attack would require the cooperation of both the federal government and the private sector. Cardon also discussed the possibility for the Army to establish a cyber-focused career field for civilians, and the need for better government-private partnership in the cyber realm.
Admiral Michael S. Rogers, commander of U.S. Cyber Command, speaks with CNN national security correspondent Jim Sciutto and answers questions from the audience during the New American Foundation cybersecurity conference in February.
Lt. Gen. Edward Cardon, commanding general of the Army Cyber Command, participates in a panel discussion on the future or cyber warriors during the New American Foundation cybersecurity conference in February.
For more information about Adm. Rogers’s and Lt. Gen. Cardon’s remarks, please follow the links below.
Rogers Discusses Cyber Operations, ISIL, Deterrence, DoD News
Cyber Collaboration in Government Still a Work in Progress, Nextgov
Cybersecurity for a New America: Big Ideas and New Voices, New America Foundation

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