Multi-agency centers improve export control
On March 7, 2012, the Obama Administration officially opened two new national, multi-agency centers to improve and streamline the U.S. Government export control system. The centers are a part of the President’s Export Control Reform Initiative.
The Export Enforcement Coordination Center (E2C2) was established under Executive Order 13558, and is responsible for enhanced information sharing and coordination between law enforcement and intelligence officials. E2C2 is administered under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with participation from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Commerce.
The Information Triage Unit (ITU) is responsible for assembling and disseminating relevant export and trade information, and will coordinate reviews of separate stove-piped processes across government. The ITU will ensure that all departments and agencies have the information they need to make decisions, and is part of the Department of Commerce.
The new centers are meant to implement a more fully coordinated and harmonized approach to facilitate secure trade, and will also strengthen the U.S. defense industrial base by helping U.S. exporters to be more competitive and reliable.
For more information about E2C2 and ITU, please follow the link below.
Fact Sheet: Latest Steps to Implement the President’s Export Control Reform Initiative, White House

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