DoD to set up new center for interagency information sharing
The Department of Defense announced last week that it will establish a new center to promote information sharing on space operations between the military and intelligence community. The Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center (JICSpOC) will involve the U.S. Strategic Command, Air Force Space Command, and the intelligence community, and will ensure data fusion among DoD, intelligence community, interagency, allied, and commercial space entities.
The new center will have the capability to develop, test, validate, and integrate new space system tactics, techniques, and procedures in support of both DoD and intelligence community space operations, and will improve the nation’s ability to protect and defend critical national space infrastructure in an increasingly contested space environment.
DoD expects to begin operational experimentation and testing for JICSpOC in October. Completion of the initial experiments is expected by January 2017. Initial funding for the JICSpOC was provided by DoD and intelligence community stakeholders, and future budgets have yet to be decided.
JICSpOC will be located at Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
For more information on the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center, please follow the links below.
New Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center to be established, DoD News
Pentagon to Setup Space Operations Center for DoD-Intell Community Info Exhanges, Executive Gov

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