NIST releases smart grid framework
In September, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued special publication 1108r3, NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 3.0. Update 3.0 is the latest edition of NIST’s smart grid framework. And reflects advances in smart grid technologies and developments from NIST’s collaborative work with industry stakeholders.
The framework updates the plan for transforming the nation’s aging electric power system into an interoperable smart grid. The framework also provides an update on the progress of grid modernization, including new developments in smart grid cybersecurity and cybersecurity of other critical infrastructure.
U.S. national and economic security depend on the “reliable functioning of critical infrastructure,” which is why President Obama’s Executive Order “Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity” called for NIST to work with stakeholders to create these frameworks.
NIST has also published a revised version of its Guidelines for Smart Grid Cybersecurity (NISTIR 7628).
For more information about the NIST Framework, please follow the links below.
NIST Releases Final Version of Smart Grid Framework, Update 3.0, National Institute of Standards in Technology
NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, National Institute of Standards in Technology
Guidelines for Smart Grid Cybersecurity, National Institute of Standards in Technology
October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. You can learn more about #NCSAM here and here.

Posted: October 2, 2014 by Simons Center
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