Project on National Security Reform envisions transformed national security system
“As America approaches the end of its first quarter-millennium, it stands at a crossroads. One way lays
the path of inertia and declining returns from an aging national security system. The other way is the
‘road less travelled by,’ leading to greater security and prosperity for future generations. To commit
to this road, we must first envision its destination: a transformed national security system.”
– James R. Locher, III, President and CEO, Project on National Security Reform
The Project on National Security Reform (PNSR) envisions a collaborative, agile, and innovative system that would combine all elements of national strength, integrating intelligence, making timely and informed decisions, and taking decisive action. A transformed national security system would be characterized by a broadened and re-balanced concept of national security, whole-of-government and whole-of-nation approaches and unity of purpose and effort. Government organizations would be less redundant, more adaptive, teamed, and networked. Resources would be aligned with strategic goals, and collaboration would be encouraged among U.S. government departments and between the public and private sectors. The system would also engage all of the nation’s strengths, especially its still considerable “soft power.”
PNSR’s paper America’s First Quarter Millennium: Envisioning a Transformed National Security System in 2026 seeks to inspire a true “national conversation” to imagine the future of U.S. national security. Its components include: comprehensive strategy; foresight and anticipatory governance; strategic management; interagency high-performance teaming; integrated and flexible national security resourcing; role of Congress; public-private partnering and global networking; and the nation’s greatest strength –human capital.
For more information about the PNSR or America’s First Quarter Millennium, please follow the links below.
Project on National Security Reform
America’s First Quarter Millennium: Envisioning a Transformed National Security System in 2026

Posted: November 21, 2011 by Simons Center
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