Interagency privacy council formed

On February 9, the White House announced the creation of the Federal Privacy Council. The Council was established through an Executive Order and sets policies for agencies for collecting, maintaining, and using personal information they gather in the course of their work.

The order calls for an interagency body that builds on current efforts to protect privacy and that “provides expertise and assistance to agencies… and promotes collaboration between and among agency privacy professionals to reduce unnecessary duplication of efforts.”

The Council will be made up of senior agency officials from various departments and agencies, including the Departments of State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, and will be chaired by the Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget.

For more information on the council, please follow the links below.
Executive Order — Establishment of the Federal Privacy Council, White House
New Interagency Privacy Council Created, FEDweek

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