Report assesses DoD-DHS cooperation
In October the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report assessing cooperation efforts between the Departments of Defense (DoD) and Homeland Security (DHS). The report, GAO-13-128, provides an overview of DoD involvement with DHS in the event of major disasters or emergencies, and examines the extent to which DoD has issued current guidance, including doctrine, policy, and strategy, for its homeland defense and civil support missions.
In preparation of the report, GAO met with select DoD and National Guard officials and analyzed DoD homeland defense and civil support guidance. GAO also reviewed previous reports and other relevant documentation. GAO addressed gaps in DoD’s Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support and gaps within the dual-status commander construct and domestic cyber. GAO also assessed the impact of the identified gaps.
GAO-13-128 makes many recommendations to address gaps in DoD’s guidance for homeland defense and civil support. The recommendations include DOD assessing and updating its primary strategy; developing implementation guidance on the dual-status commander construct; and aligning guidance on preparing for and responding to domestic cyber incidents with national-level guidance to include roles and responsibilities.
For more information about GAO-13-128, please follow the link below.
GAO-13-128, Homeland Defense: DoD Needs to Address Gaps in Homeland Defense and Civil Support Guidance

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