U.S. support needed for counternarcotics efforts in Afghanistan
Erin Logan, principal director for counternarcotics and global threats with the Department of Defense (DoD), warned about the growing danger of narcotics originating in Afghanistan in an address to the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control earlier this month. In her remarks, Logan urged continued U.S. support for efforts to eradicate narcotics production, saying the U.S. “cannot ignore the growing threat.” Logan also warned the Senate Caucus of the possibility of Afghan-produced heroin becoming more available across the U.S.
Logan then spoke of a DoD-supported and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)-mentored counternarcotics operation in which an Afghan-led central investigative unit took the reins, citing the importance of U.S. agency and international partnerships in counternarcotics missions and training programs. Logan also conveyed the counternarcotics strategy for 2014 in Afghanistan, which includes continued support for the vetted units set up by the DEA and leveraging international interagency capabilities.
For more information on this topic, please follow the link below.
Official Urges Support for Afghan Counternarcotics Efforts, American Forces Press Service
Posted: January 28, 2014 by Simons Center
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