News You Can Use: 01/12/18
National Security
The motivation behind Trump’s immigration policy, Brookings
The World According to H.R. McMaster, The Atlantic
US lag in tech, national security race against China could worsen under Trump, Stars and Stripes
Border Agents Are Searching Through More Travelers’ Devices Than Ever, Nextgov
Fearing ‘Breaking Point,’ Border Security Officials Press for More Pay and Manpower, Government Executive
The Pentagon’s Secrecy Is Undermining Its Quest for a Bigger Budget, Defense One
White House Updates Senators on Trump’s Infrastructure Plan, Route Fifty
To help Iran’s protestors, keep the nuclear deal intact, Brookings
The Only Force That Can Beat Climate Change Is the U.S. Army, Foreign Policy
Play of the Day: Trump’s Arms Are Folded and He’s Ready to Deal, Government Executive
Local Coast Guard Helicopter Crews Save Lives During Mudslide Response in Santa Barbara, NBC
The FBI Is Disrupting 10X Fewer Cyber Crime Rings Than In 2015, Nextgov
The next challenge for Navy cyber teams? Keeping skills sharp, Fifth Domain
DoD quietly reorganizes Cyber Command, Fifth Domain
DHS: We Can Vet Election Cyber Systems in All 50 States, Nextgov
How the (Likely) Next NSA/CYBERCOM Chief Wants to Enlist AI, Defense One
Public Health
Desperate Cities Consider ‘Safe Injection’ Sites For Opioid Users, NPR
Trump Signs Order to Improve Mental Health Resources for Transitioning Veterans, Department of Defense
He was 21 and fit. He tried to push through the flu — and it killed him., The Washington Post
Alcohol-Related ER Visits Soar, Especially Among Women, NPR
Trump administration opens door to let states impose Medicaid work requirements, The Washington Post
Secret bitcoin philanthropist backs research of ecstasy as treatment for PTSD, Stars and Stripes
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
China’s War on Poverty Could Hurt the Poor Most, Foreign Policy
Syria: Children Under Attack in Damascus Enclave, Human Rights Watch
In a first, Burmese military admits that soldiers killed Rohingya found in mass grave, The Washington Post
After 16 Years, End Injustice at Guantanamo, Huffington Post
Government & Military Personnel
Data Show Government is Not a Great Place to Work, Government Executive
Experts: VA loan ‘churning’ can hurt vets … and the mortgage market, Military Times
Agencies Aren’t Catching Bad Supervisors Early Enough, Government Executive
New Trump order focused on preventing suicide among new vets, Military Times
Military vs. civilian: Which pays better?, Military Times
The Psychology Behind Performance-Based Bonuses is Total Bunk, Nextgov

Posted: January 12, 2018 by Simons Center
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