News You Can Use: 02/20/18

National Security

The War America Isn’t Fighting, Politico

Mueller’s Indictment Puts Details Behind Claims of Russian Interference, The Atlantic

What Is the Internet Research Agency?, The Atlantic

Foreign Disinformation is a Threat to Military Readiness, Too, Defense One

Emails detail how senior U.S. military officers grappled with false Hawaii missile alert, The Washington Post

Mattis: Unclear if Russia directed attack against U.S. allies in Syria, Defense News

Japan and US scramble to perfect missile attack responses, Nikkei Asian Review

‘An Endless War’: Why 4 U.S. Soldiers Died in a Remote African Desert, The New York Times

Putting the Pentagon’s Pennies in Perspective, Defense One

Fla. school shooting creates urgent push for gun control, bipartisan calls for change, The Washington Post

Senate confirms nuclear weapons chief, key Pentagon officials, Defense News

Don’t Waste the New US Water-Security Strategy, Defense One

Top U.S. officials tell the world to ignore Trump’s tweets, The Washington Post


Cybersecurity is not something; it is everything, Brookings

Could the Military Start Drafting Hackers in Their 40s?, Nextgov

Agencies haven’t gauged critical infrastructure cybersecurity thoroughly, says GAO, Fifth Domain

The Annual Cost of U.S. Cybercrime Could Top $100 Billion, Nextgov

Russia’s cyber meddling ‘sophisticated espionage,’ says national security advisor, Defense News

International Hackers Find 106 Bugs in U.S. Air Force Websites, Nextgov

Public Health

Flu now blamed for 84 child deaths this season, CDC says, CNN

Why Can’t the U.S. Treat Gun Violence as a Public-Health Problem?, The Atlantic

3 ways the US should prepare for the next flu pandemic, The Conversation

Rick Perry’s concern for veterans sparks effort to reshape nation’s healthcare, Washington Examiner

Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts

Families in Iraq with Alleged ISIS Ties Denied Aid, Human Rights Watch

Forced disappearances are on the rise as human rights violators cover their tracks, The Conversation

US: Private Probation Harming the Poor, Human Rights Watch

Pardoned Fujimori could face another human rights trial -Peru court, Reuters

Government & Military Personnel

How to Inoculate the Public Against Fake News, Defense One

New Federal Senior Executives Are Being Left in the Dark As They Start Their Jobs, Government Executive

Mattis: Deploy-or-get-out rule is about fairness, Military Times

Fat, unhealthy Americans threaten Trump’s defense surge, Politico

Winning the War for Talent In The Public Sector, Government Executive

It’s Never Been a Better Time to Study IR, Foreign Policy

White House Proposals for Civil Service Reform: What They Missed,

Who is in charge at the Department of Veterans Affairs?, Military Times

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ new policy on transgender troops expected by Wednesday, USA Today

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