News You Can Use: 02/23/18
National Security
State of Defense, Defense One
Trump Administration Ready to Scrap Envoy to Anti-ISIS Coalition, Foreign Policy
Analysis: ISIS hasn’t been defeated, Long War Journal
Trump’s Aimless War in Afghanistan Expands, Again, Defense One
US doing little to combat Russia meddling in next elections, Fifth Domain
New Report Notes Erosion of Pentagon’s Technological Advantage, Defense One
Intel confirms it didn’t tell national security officials about chip flaws, The Oregonian
GAO Sustains Protest of $771 Million Defense Intelligence Agency Contract, Nextgov
Here’s How to Counter Fake News During a Disaster, Nextgov
TSA Wants Your Face To Be Your Passport — But There’s One Big Problem With That, Defense One
US Border Patrol hasn’t validated e-passport data for years, Wired
Interior Department Sees ‘Limitless Possibilities’ for Drones, Nextgov
First woman in history takes helm of US nuclear weapons arsenal, Washington Examiner
Armed sheriffs deputy stayed outside Florida school while mass killing took place, The Washington Post
North Korea’s growing criminal cyberthreat, Fifth Domain
North Korea Is Upping Its Offensive Cyber Operations, Defense One
How will the Justice Department deter cyber attacks? To start, another task force., Fifth Domain
Data breaches at federal agencies jumped 20 percent last year, Fifth Domain
The toolset of an elite North Korean hacker group are on the rise, Wired
Here’s how the Marines’ cyber warriors are buying new equipment, Fifth Domain
Public Health
Elder Abuse Is the ‘Silent Epidemic of Our Time’, Route Fifty
This new blood test can detect traumatic brain injury in troops, Military Times
Food Stamps Fall Short of Meal Costs in Most Counties, Study Finds, Route Fifty
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
Don’t Make African Nations Borrow Money to Support Refugees, Foreign Policy
Syria: Relentless bombing of civilians in Eastern Ghouta amounts to war crimes, Amnesty International
Trump Administration Turns Away Iranian Christians, Foreign Policy
First US Navy carrier to visit Vietnam since war in wake of humanitarian mission, Defense News
The Rohingya, R2P, And Civilian Protection, Foreign Policy in Focus
Government & Military Personnel
DeVos backs school choice proposal for military children, The Associated Press
81 Percent of Career Senior Executives Received Bonuses in Fiscal 2016, Government Executive
State Treasurers Want Advance Refunding Tax Exemption Restored, Route Fifty
Caught in the ‘churn’? Take these steps to limit your loan-related solicitations, Military Times
‘Different spanks for different ranks’: Lawmaker questions lack of courts-martial for Air Force generals, Air Force Times
When Life-Changing Events Happen, Government Executive
Mattis still mulling transgender guidance: ‘This is a complex issue’, Military Times
How Agencies Can Improve Grant Management, Government Executive

Posted: February 23, 2018 by Simons Center
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