News You Can Use: 03/27/18
National Security
Congress Rejects Trump’s Bid for More Immigration Enforcement and Border Patrol Agents, Government Executive
How John Bolton Views U.S. Allies and Adversaries, The Atlantic
John Bolton Is Misunderstood, The Atlantic
Diplomats ousted: US, Europe punish Russia over spy case, Military Times
NSC Readies Major Overhaul in US Arms Exports, Breaking Defense
Arms Sales Decisions Shouldn’t Be About Jobs, Defense One
Red Glare: The Origin and Implications of Russia’s ‘New’ Nuclear Weapons, War on the Rocks
Islamic State Regrouping in Iraqi, Kurdish Disputed Territories, Voice of America
Is ISIS gaining ‘serious’ ground in Afghanistan? Russia says yes. The US says no., Military Times
Lessons from the Russian Front, Defense One
DHS hires new cybsersecurity adviser ahead of 2018 midterm elections, Washington Examiner
New deputy at Cyber Command to retire, Fifth Domain
Streamlining Security: Cloud Adoption in the Department of Defense, Government Executive
Finland’s top national security risk? Cyber, Fifth Domain
Spanish police nab alleged ‘mastermind’ of bank hacks, Deutsche Welle
Public Health
How ‘Bad Medicine’ Dismisses And Misdiagnoses Women’s Symptoms, NPR
World leaders have the power to end TB. They must seize the moment, Stat
Birth Control Apps Find A Big Market In ‘Contraception Deserts’, NPR
Surge In Antibiotics Is A Boon For Superbugs, NPR
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
US: FOIA Suit on Border Guards’ Rights Abuses, Human Rights Watch
Shopping Mall Tragedy Raises Concerns About Russian Response, Human Rights Watch
Syria’s civil war is far from over, Brookings
The People Trump’s War on Drugs Will Actually Punish, The Atlantic
US Immigrants’ Rights Groups Turn to Education to Protect Rights, Human Rights Watch
Government & Military Personnel
A return to earmarks could grease the wheels in Congress, The Conversation
The Army of 2028 will be ready to fight any war, top civilian says, Defense News
Subscription-Based IT is Coming—And That’s A Good Thing For Federal Agencies, Nextgov
Esper: Army will overhaul fitness, possibly extend basic training, to meet rigors of combat, Defense News
As the Army turns to functional fitness testing, is the end of gender standards near?, Army Times
Here’s what we know, and don’t know, about Jim Mattis’ transgender policy, Washington Examiner
Future unmanned aircraft to do the ‘dull’ and ‘dangerous’ work, Defense News
Posted: March 27, 2018 by Simons Center
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