News You Can Use: 05/10/17
National Security
U.S. poised to expand military effort against Taliban in Afghanistan, The Washington Post
Cheap Chinese Aluminum Is a National Security Threat, Foreign Policy
America’s Allies Are in Decline. Here’s How the US Should Adjust, Defense One
DHS Wants To Verify Drones, Devices Are What They Say They Are, Nextgov
US to work through Sweden to free Americans detained in North Korea, Washington Examiner
Mayors Are Launching Task Force to Weigh In on Trump’s Pending Infrastructure Plan, Route Fifty
A side effect of peace in Colombia, a cocaine boom in the U.S., The Washington Post
Washington Loves General McMaster, But Trump Doesn’t, Bloomberg
U.S. Wants to Spend Added Billions on Military in Asia, The Wall Street Journal
Four Reasons Why Talking to North Korea Would Be Smart Strategy, Defense One
Syrian Kurds are now armed with sensitive US weaponry, and the Pentagon denies supplying it, Military Times
Tunnel collapses at Washington nuclear waste plant; no radiation released, Reuters
North Korea Claims Plot Reveals US State-Sponsored Terrorism, Associated Press
Flynn Never Told DIA That Russians Paid Him, Say Officials, NBC
Mark Green withdraws as Trump’s Army secretary nominee, citing ‘false and misleading attacks’, The Washington Post
New Dems Urge OPM To Hire More Cyber Pros Without 4-Year Degrees, Nextgov
Joint Staff links cyber ops to countering air, missile threats, C4ISR Net
Are Cyber Crooks Funding North Korea’s Nukes?, The Daily Beast
Macron hackers linked to Russian-affiliated group behind US attack, The Guardian
Public Health
On the AHCA in the Senate, Brookings
Life Expectancy Is Lower In Parts Of U.S. Than Iraq, The Philippines And North Korea, Newsweek
Despite critics’ claims, the GOP health bill doesn’t classify rape or sexual assault as a preexisting condition, The Washington Post
How Sleep Resets the Brain, Government Executive
Education At Home & Abroad
School choice and segregation: Evidence from New Orleans, Brookings
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
Big child webcam sex bust reveals rising abuse, Associated Press
Witness: A Needless Death in US Immigration Detention, Human Rights Watch
Tillerson says goodbye to human rights diplomacy, Brookings
John McCain: Why We Must Support Human Rights, The New York Times
Once more into the breach: Does foreign aid work?, Brookings
Philippines: UN Members Should Denounce Killings, Abuses, Human Rights Watch
Government & Military Personnel
Lessons from a Long-Time Contractor in Afghanistan, Government Executive
Thank A Government Employee This Week,
FOIA Requests Hit Record High, Processing Improves, Government Executive
California may give legal help to deported veterans, Military Times
OPM Is Ready, but No Agencies Have Requested Separation Incentive Authority Yet, Government Executive
Federal Court Upholds Ruling That Working Capital Fund Employees Can Be Furloughed, Government Executive
National Monuments: Presidents Can Create Them, but Only Congress Can Undo Them, Government Executive

Posted: May 10, 2017 by Simons Center
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