News You Can Use: 05/29/18
National Security
What the Long, Corruption-Enabling, Mostly Failed Afghanistan-Stabilization Effort Tells Us, Defense One
Just Put it On Our Tab: War Financing and the Decline of Democracy, War on the Rocks
The 3-Step Guide for Tricking America into a War, The National Interest
The Chilling Effect of Trump’s War on the FBI, The Atlantic
The West is ill-prepared for the wave of “deep fakes” that artificial intelligence could unleash, Brookings
What Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un Don’t Know About Their Own Standoff, Defense One
Why war powers need an expiration date, Brookings
Senators look to emphasize U.S. cyber prowess, Fifth Domain
Senate Defense Bill Aims to Scrub Cyber Adversaries from U.S. Military Tech, Nextgov
Public Health
To Lower Your Medicare Drug Costs, Ask Your Pharmacist For The Cash Price, NPR
Special Operations Forces Are Changing Combat Medicine With Jury-Rigged Hospitals and Freeze-Dried Blood, Defense One
Do DIY Medical Tests Promise More Than They Can Deliver?, NPR
Cameras On Preemies Let In Families, Keep Germs Out, NPR
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
Duterte Threatens Summary Execution of Drug Suspects. Again., Human Rights Watch
Kashmiris Need Justice, Not Just Development, Human Rights Watch
Wheels of Justice Turning in Bangui, Human Rights Watch
Government & Military Personnel
Reshaping and Reenergizing the Federal Workforce, Government Executive
Trump goes after feds in latest executive orders, Federal Times
Big Changes Ahead for VA After Flurry of Action on Capitol Hill, Government Executive
Senate orders Pentagon to review child-on-child sex abuse on military bases, The Associated Press
White House Cracks Down on Unions with Executive Orders, Government Executive
Posted: May 29, 2018 by Simons Center
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