News You Can Use: 06/07/17

National Security  

Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech, Politico

Contractor charged in NSA document leak case, The Washington Post

How U.S. Law Enforcement Caught the NSA Contractor Charged with Leaking Top-Secret Materials, Government Executive

Nations discuss Asia-Pacific policies at regional security summit, Defense News

Mattis Beseeches Officials at Singapore Conference to ‘Bear With Us’, The New York Times

Why Mueller Is Taking Over the Michael Flynn Grand Jury, The Atlantic

As Trump Criticizes Response to London Attacks, Key U.S. Security Jobs Remain Vacant, Government Executive

Pentagon continues operations at key Mideast air base despite Qatar’s rift with Arab neighbors, The Washington Times

Private Defense Companies Are Here to Stay – What Does That Mean For National Security?, Government Executive

Theresa May’s Terrorism Strategy, The Atlantic

Trump Proposes Air Traffic Control Privatization, Government Executive

Qatar rift sets back Trump’s ‘Arab NATO’, Defense News


Wanted: DISA cyber warriors, C4ISR Net

Task Force Urges A Cyber Coordinator For Healthcare, Nextgov

Health Data Security Tops HHS’ List Of Challenges, Nextgov

Japan to hawk home-grown cybersecurity tech at Interpol World next month, The Japan Times

Public Health

Texas Lawmakers Fail to Address Spike In Pregnancy-Related Deaths, Route Fifty

Veterans Affairs to Adopt DoD’s Electronic Health-Records System, Nextgov

3.6 Percent Of Americans Found To Have Food Allergies Or Intolerances, NPR

New Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Support Continued Funding for Medicaid Expansion, Route Fifty

Education At Home & Abroad

The Disinvestment hypothesis: Don’t blame state budget cuts for rising tuition at public universities, Brookings

Concerned about the Paris Agreement? There’s still hope through girls’ education, Brookings

Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts

In Poland, Being a Woman Can Be Bad for Your Health, Human Rights Watch

World’s most neglected conflict rages on in the CAR, Al Jazeera

Saudi Arabia: 14 Protesters Facing Execution After Unfair Trials, Human Rights Watch

The Trump administration’s lonely voice for human rights, Politico

Government & Military Personnel

VA Accountability And Whistleblower Protection Act Of 2017 Passed By Senate,

Most Feds Say Agencies Aren’t Interested in Their Ideas, Government Executive

Proposed Retirement Benefit Cuts Could Hurt TSP Contribution Levels, Government Executive

How to Create a New Federal Pay System Fair to Both Taxpayers and Employees, Government Executive

Five Plead Guilty in IRS Agent Impersonation Scheme, Government Executive

Female veteran business leaders share their tips for success, Military Times

Beginning next week “News You Can Use” will move to Tuesdays and Fridays.

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