News You Can Use: 08/15/17
National Security
Officials downplay the idea that nuclear war with North Korea is imminent, The Washington Post
McMaster equates ‘terrorism’ with Charlottesville car attack, Politico
State Department Confronts North Korea With Rows of Vacant Positions, Government Executive
Here’s the Memo That Blew Up the NSC, Foreign Policy
Top U.S. General Readies Military Plan for North Korea, but Pushes for Diplomacy, The Wall Street Journal
Sessions opens federal probe on Charlottesville, Politico
If the US is going to war in North Korea, nobody told the US military, Defense News
The real reason a North Korean nuclear weapon is so terrifying—and it’s not what you think, Brookings
DHS thinks biometrics can ‘improve daily life’, Nextgov
When Words Risk Provoking War, The Atlantic
North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say, The New York Times
CBP Administered Polygraphs to Applicants Already Admitting Drug Smuggling, Human Trafficking, Government Executive
Donald Trump Is Dropping Bombs at Unprecedented Levels, Foreign Policy
Cybercom plans industry day in October, Nextgov
‘Every country should have a cyber war’: what Estonia learned from Russian hacking, Nextgov
Hackers could gain access to passwords through USB sticks, cyber experts warn, ABC
How arcane budget rules threaten government cybersecurity, Nextgov
Japan, U.S. to aim for stronger cyberdefenses in upcoming security talks, The Japan Times
17-year-old hacks the Air Force for the biggest bug bounty, Nextgov
Public Health
Insurer competition in rural areas: A bipartisan challenge, Brookings
Yemen cholera epidemic: Cases exceed 500,000 in four months, BBC
New Numbers Reveal Huge Disparities in Opioid Prescribing, Route Fifty
From Alaska To Florida, States Respond To Opioid Crisis With Emergency Declarations, NPR
New Mexico VA office denies 90 percent of Gulf War claims, Associated Press
Scottish ministers urged to lead fight against ‘period poverty’, BBC
Nurse Wins Prize For Research On Benefits Of Faster Tuberculosis Testing, NPR
Education At Home & Abroad
The unintended consequences of ‘free college’ on New York’s for-profit universities, Brookings
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
The human rights consequences of the war on drugs in the Philippines, Brookings
Medicine Shortages in Venezuela: Dying in Agony, Human Rights Watch
Why Are More Civilians Dying in US Airstrikes on ISIS?, Defense One
Are State Department cuts a major setback for genocide prevention?, The Conversation
Kenya: Police Restraint Critical, Human Rights Watch
Government & Military Personnel
A Whistleblower’s Guide for the Trump Era, Government Executive
3 Things You May Not Understand About the TSP, Government Executive
Bridging the Gap Between Political Appointees and Civil Servants, Government Executive
GSA to Increase Lodging Reimbursements for Feds This Fall, Government Executive
Plan to institute military oath against suicide could backfire, some experts say, Stars and Stripes
EPA Employees Are Earning Emergency Premium Pay Without Justification, Government Executive
After the Marines United Scandal, ‘All Options’ Are on the Table, Defense One
Posted: August 15, 2017 by Simons Center
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