News You Can Use: 11/11/16
National Security
Defense Industry Expecting Boost from Trump Election, Defense News
Why GOP national security experts must agree to serve in a Trump administration, The Washington Post
Who will be Trump’s secretary of defense?, Military Times
The Perils of Forgetting About Al Qaeda, War on the Rocks
Homeland Security Still Slow to Fill Law Enforcement Jobs, Watchdog Finds, Government Executive
Intelligence community is already feeling a sense of dread about Trump, The Washington Post
Inside the Pentagon, early fears Trump will micromanage the generals more than Obama did, Military Times
What a Trump presidency means for U.S. and global climate policy, Brookings
How Much Will Donald Trump Really Spend on Defense?, War on the Rocks
Team Trump Struggling to Fill National-Security Jobs, The Daily Beast
Trump administration promises more aggressive, less political cyber stance, Federal Times
US Army Races To Build New Cyber Corps, Breaking Defense
Will Cyber Talent Join The Trump Team? Jury’s Out, Nextgov
Cybersecurity Should Send Smart Investors Back To School, Forbes
U.S. Air Force to “Cyber-Secure” Nuclear Arsenal, The National Interest
What a Trump Presidency Means for Cybersecurity, Net Neutrality and Internet Freedom, Newsweek
Public Health
Human testing begins on Zika virus vaccine developed by the Army, Army Times
Watchdog: USAID Didn’t Properly Account For $60 Million in Ebola Funds, Government Executive
What the 2016 Election Results Mean for Health, Scientific American
The Future of Obamacare Looks Bleak, The New York Times
Human Rights & Humanitarian Efforts
From AIDS To Zika: Trump On Global Health And Humanitarian Aid, NPR
US: Trump Should Govern With Respect for Rights, Human Rights Watch
Ethiopia: After a year of protests, time to address grave human rights concerns, Amnesty International
U.S. Says It Has Killed 119 Civilians in Iraq and Syria Since 2014, The New York Times
Amnesty International: Trump must ‘commit to upholding the human rights of all without discrimination’, The Washington Post
Government & Military Personnel
Ransomware Emails Use OPM Breach to Lure Victims, Nextgov
Pay and Benefits Under Trump, Best Cities for Vets, and More, Government Executive
Dear President-elect: Advocacy group’s open letter to Trump outlines key concerns of military families, Military Times
Federal Employee Groups Disappointed but Not Dejected by Trump’s Election, Government Executive
VA and Social Security Partner to Speed Up Disability Decisions for Veterans, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
There is a Precedent for Trump’s Governmentwide Hiring Freeze, Government Executive
Trump, Clinton, Obama, Ryan Harmonize for a Smooth Transition, Government Executive

Posted: November 11, 2016 by Simons Center
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