Simons Center News

Featured article: The Literature of Intelligence by Kevin Rousseau Intelligence officers are by trade a tight-lipped group, unwilling and often unable to talk to outsiders about their business. Where, then, does everyone else get their ideas about intelligence? More importantly, where can those who are not intelligence professionals reliably turn to for a better understanding of the […]

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Featured article: The Value of Conceptual Planning During Disasters by Michael Long The Army Design Method is a useful tool for understanding poorly structured problems and developing approaches to solving them. It is the most effective methodology for conceptual planning within the military. After a year-long fellowship at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), I have learned of its utility […]

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Posted: December 13, 2019 by

The CGSC Foundation conducted its annual holiday appreciation luncheon on Dec. 12, 2019 at the Frontier Conference Center on Fort Leavenworth. The Foundation hosts the luncheon as a way of saying thank you to the many businesses, CGSC staff and faculty, and volunteers for their support to the Foundation throughout the year. Foundation Chair Mike […]

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Posted: December 13, 2019 by

CGSC interagency faculty members traveled to Fort Bliss, Texas, Dec. 6, 2019, to teach Sergeants Major Course students at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy (USASMA). The CGSC Interagency faculty representatives met individually with separate classrooms to discuss their respective organizations and listen to student briefings on some of the agencies that partner with the […]

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Posted: December 11, 2019 by

The fifth presentation of the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series for CGSC academic year 2020 was conducted Dec. 10, 2019, in the Arnold Conference Room in the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. Mr. Roderic C. Jackson, the Defense Intelligence Chair and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Representative to the Combined Arms Center and Army University, […]

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Featured article: Understanding the Challenges and Stakeholders in Providing Humanitarian Aid to North Korea by Caitlyn M. Rerucha There is a growing humanitarian crisis with evidence of human rights violations mounting within the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The Cooperative for Assistance and Relieve Everywhere ranked North Korea as its number one under-reported humanitarian crisis in […]

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Posted: December 10, 2019 by

The CGSC Foundation conducted its fourth quarter board of trustees meeting on Dec. 4, 2019, at the offices of Spencer Fane in downtown Kansas City. Highlights from the meeting include board member approval of a strategic plan outlining the major goals for the Foundation over the next four years. Trustees also approved a budget for […]

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Posted: December 9, 2019 by

The Academic Year 2020 CGSC Foundation and DACOR Visiting Professor of Diplomacy, Career Minister (Ret.) Ambassador Katherine Canavan conducted her fall term visit Dec. 2-6, 2019. Her visit included meeting in a variety of forums with more than 300 students and faculty from the Command and General Staff School, the School of Advanced Military Studies, […]

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Featured article: Very Small Satellites: A Mechanism for the Early Detection of Mass Atrocities by Dani Redmon Swarms of blue-winged butterflies greedily cling to the tall, white, weedy beauty of the Artemisia vulgaris plant. However, beneath this carpet of alluring flora in the foothills surrounding the town of Srebrenica, Bosnia, hides an ugly secret: The earth below […]

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Featured article: Enabling Tax Payments: A Novel Approach to Reducing Violence and Poverty in El Salvador by Ann Low Poorly organized governments collect insufficient revenue to pay for police forces and civil administrations whose staff are consistently well trained, highly motivated, and immune from bribery. Inadequate tax collections generate weak institutions and insufficient policing, leading to insecure areas […]

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