Simons Center Meets with Federal Executive Board

On July 17, the leadership of the Simons Center and the Command and General Staff College Foundation met with leaders from the Kansas City Federal Executive Board and the heads of regional federal agencies at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center in Kansas City, Mo. The event was co-hosted by the Kansas City chapter of Business Executives for National Security.

Participants included representatives from Business Executives for National Security, FBI, FEMA, USDA, Terrorist Early Warning Center, the U.S. Secret Service and the Kansas City Federal Executive Board. The group discussed challenges and possible solutions to cyber threats, as well as cybersecurity and the security and compliance needs of federal agencies and large corporations.

The purpose of Thursday’s meeting was to consider what topics related to cybersecurity would be the most advantageous and relevant to incorporate into the CEO roundtables the Simons Center will be hosting later this year.

The Simons Center provides additional reading on issues related to threats to cybersecurity in their most recent InterAgency Journal as well as in their follow on report from the Greater Kansas City Cyber Security Seminar.

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Raymond Barrett, Simons Center Director, briefs members on the Kansas City Federal Executive Board on Thursday, July 17. The remarks came during a roundtable discussion on anticipating and mitigating cyber threats. Additional photos are available on Facebook.

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