Sixth InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture focuses on intelligence
Yesterday, Mr. Gustav A. Otto presented on the subject of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at the latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture. The DIA is one of our nation’s least understood intelligence organizations, and is the premier all-source military intelligence organization, providing authoritative assessments of foreign military intentions and capabilities.
Otto, who is the Defense Intelligence Chair and DIA Representative to the Combined Arms Center and Army University, spoke about the history and role of the DIA before inviting the audience’s questions. From there, Otto discussed the training and education of DIA personnel and DIA’s relationship with the intelligence community and other U.S. government entities. Audience members also asked about the intelligence community’s relationship with the current administration, which has been a hot topic lately, and about the intelligence community’s focus on counterterrorism instead of, and possibly to the detriment of, cybersecurity and other national security issues.
The next lecture in the series is scheduled for April 6, from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. in the Arnold Conference Room. Mr. Patrick J. Wesner, the Command and General Staff College Distinguished Chair for Development Studies, will lead a discussion and provide information about the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). More information on Mr. Wesner’s presentation is available here.
All lectures in the series are open to the public. – Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunches into the conference room for the presentation.
For more photos from the lecture, please follow the links below.
Defense Intelligence Agency, InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture, Facebook
InterAgency Brown-Bag Lunch Lecture (15MAR17), CGSC Foundation, Flickr

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