Video from FEB brown-bag now available
Video of the Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation’s latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture is now available. Mr. Larry A. Hisle, executive director of the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board (FEB), conducted a presentation on the FEB in the latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Dec. 12, in the Arnold Conference Room of the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. Hisle outlined the roles and missions of the FEB and how it serves as a catalyst for communication, coordination and collaboration among the various federal agencies with offices in the Kansas City metropolitan area.
The next lecture is January 18 and will feature a presentation on the Central Intelligence Agency. A schedule for future InterAgency Brown-Bag Lectures can be found here.
For more photos from the lecture, please follow the links below.
Federal Executive Board, InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture, Facebook
IABBLS-FEB (12DEC17), CGSC Foundation Flickr

Posted: December 20, 2017 by Simons Center
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