SAMS Student Recieves Writing Award

On May 17, Major Jonathan Graebener was awarded the Simons Center’s Interagency Writing Award.  MAJ Graebener is a recent graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College’s School of Advanced Military Studies, and was presented the award by MG (Ret.) Raymond Barrett, Deputy Director of the Simons Center. Graebener is the first SAMS student to receive the Simons Center’s Interagency Writing Award.

Graebener’s winning monograph, Domestic Security Cooperation: A Unified Approach to Homeland Security and Defense, offers solutions to filling the gaps in southwest border security.  Graebener recommends using U.S. military resources to build capability along the southwest border, preventing possible breaches in security.

For more information about Graebener and the award, please follow the link below.
Officers Lauded at SAMS Graduation, Ft. Leavenworth Lamp

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