Tag: China
Featured article: Assessing the Impact of American and Chinese Economic Competition in Sub-Saharan Africa by James Jacobs and Kevin Boldt In 2015, Scientific American published an article which showcased how the continent of Africa is often sized on Mercator maps, in a similar fashion, to the island of Greenland, even though Africa is 14 times larger than […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Japan’s Security Strategy and Its Impact on U.S. National Security Interests by Sung K. Hyong and David A. Anderson Japan’s broadening security strategy reveals the unease with which it views the evolving security order in the Indo-Pacific. Several grave threats to regional stability continue to define the region’s changing security environment. The Democratic […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Strategic Defense Impacts of Climate Change: An Interagency Challenge by Wendell Chris King The United States faces a complex and scary national security environment. We are confronted with numerous threats to peace and security from both inside and outside our borders: North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, Chinese aggression in Asia, Russian cyber activity, continued […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: A Century of Humiliation: The Power of Economic Warfare by Sam Ku A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well digested plan is requisite: And their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories, as tend to render them independent on […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Chinese Advantages in the Development and Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Warfare by Daniel G. Cox The United States currently leads the world in Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. However, several scholars and writers have noted that this lead is dwindling and that China is rapidly catching up. Most observers see a concerted effort […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: “Sovereignty-in-Being”: A Dangerous New Model for Territorial Expansion in the 21st Century by Russell Handy, Michael J. Forsyth and Joseph Kunkel The basis by which nation-states “declare” sovereignty is being challenged in ways our current generation has not experienced. Non-state entities have historically ignored the concept of borders and move with near impunity […]
... Read MoreDr. David A. Graff, professor of history at Kansas State University, recently guest lectured at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC). On May 31, Dr. Graff spoke on Chinese military history at an elective course in the Department of Military History. According to Department of Military History instructor Dr. Geoff Babb, Dr. Graff […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Avoiding a New Berlin Conference: A Framework for U.S.-Chinese Economic Cooperation in West Africa by Kevin Peel, Justin Reddick, John Hoeck and Cynthia Dehne In November 1884, representatives from 14 nations met in Germany to negotiate differences and formalize their colonial aspirations at the Berlin Conference. The result of the conference was to […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Leading the Interagency to Shape U.S.-China Relations by Timothy E. Steigelman Empires do not decline gracefully. While commentators may debate whether the U.S. is declining in absolute or only relative terms, China is undoubtedly on the rise; that rise is perhaps the single most important security issue for the U.S. this century. The U.S. national security […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: The Reality of the So-Called U.S. Pivot to Asia by Joshua Parker and David A. Anderson Shortly after President Obama took office in 2009, it became clear he wanted to shift U.S. foreign policy focus away from the Middle East to Asia. His immediate goal was withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and gradually bringing an […]
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