Tag: ethics
On Feb. 26, Dr. Michael H. Hoeflich, the John H. & John M. Kane Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Kansas, led a discussion on the ethics of cyber defense in the Arnold Conference Room of the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. During his presentation Hoeflich discussed the ethical use of cyber weapons like […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Application of the Ethical Triangle in the 2014 Ebola Epidemic: A Case Study by Katie Martinez and Marcos Martinez Since 1976 there have been 25 Ebola outbreaks reported worldwide. Eight of these outbreaks occurred in the West Africa region. Although recent drug research shows promising results, there are no approved vaccines or known […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: A CGSC International Hall of Fame Member and the CIA’s Covert Action in 1954 by John G. Breen The International Hall of Fame at the Army’s Command and General Staff College (CGSC), Fort Leavenworth, KS, was established in 1973 to recognize prominent, international military officer graduates. Inductees have included those who rose through the […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: A Brief History of Scandals: Special Oversight Challenges in National Security Interrogations by Erik Jens A history of (at least) American national security operations and initiatives shows, fairly convincingly, the need for external oversight. Time and again, executive branch agencies have, with the best of motives as they perceived them, violated Americans’ civil rights, compromised foreign relations, or […]
... Read MoreU.S. Army Command and General Staff College Ethics Symposium Announcement and Call for Papers Organizers: The United States Army Command and General Staff College, Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and the CGSC Foundation, Inc. will co-host a symposium entitled: “The Impact of Diverse Worldviews on Military Conflict” War is a clash of wills […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Moral Courage and Intelligent Disobedience by Ted Thomas and Ira Chaleff The military needs men and women who have courage–the physical courage to go into battle, to overcome fear in the face of bodily injury or death, mental pain, and lifelong disabilities. Militaries run on physical courage. Without it, they run from a fight and […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: The Ethics of Espionage and Covert Action: The CIA’s Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Program as a Case Study by John Breen I have just asked a classroom filled with U.S. Army officers (with a few sister service and civilian counterparts thrown in) to name some of the ethical challenges they believe are associated with spying. They have […]
... Read MoreFeatured article: Ethics Committee Model for Humanitarian Operations Planning by Philip W. Ginder Most hospitals and healthcare organizations have established ethics committees that deal with issues involving medical, ethical, and/or legal conflict or uncertainty. The Joint Commission, the accreditation body for the vast majority of hospitals and other ambulatory healthcare settings in the U.S., requires that healthcare organizations […]
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